When you think about organizing or getting organized, what is your purpose? What is the appeal for you? Do you feel better when you are organized? Are you tired of looking for things? Do you feel overwhelmed by stuff? There are lots of reasons to want to get and be organized, but when you find your reason - organize to that reason.
I watched an organizing video by someone who was over and above organized. And it was Too. Much. For. Me. She had every paper color coded by year and pattern. Her sticky notes were organized by her color and her light bulbs had labels. There was a recycling container by anything she might ever throw out - light bulbs, batteries, papers (I'm not against recycling, but there were too many for me.) I'm sure that for some people, this type of organizing works great, but I couldn't handle it or live like that. So I'm not organizing to reach that type of perfection. I am organizing so I can find what I want when I want it, so I can use the things I have, so my house isn't overly cluttered and so I can live the way I want to live.
In the past few months I produced a play, "As You Like It." I was in charge of costumes and scenery and many of the props. Seven years ago, I produced a different Shakespeare play. When I went to costume, do scenery and props, I could easily pull out the things I used seven years ago. I knew where they were, they were accessible and not ruined.. Why? I have a system in my house of where things are and where they belong. It includes taking care of the things I have and using them. My system and organization helps me to do the things I want to do.
What do you want your organization to do for you?
What are some great read aloud books for kids?
15 years ago
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