We are a big water family and have been working very hard to drink enough water. (The amount of water you should drink each day is your body weight, divided by 2, in ounces. For example, if you weighed 100 pounds, you should drink 50 ounces of water a day. This amount is at least. If you exercise, play outside on a nice day, are nursing, or any other number of things you need more).
We are working to drink water because it's healthy and it has been helping a lot with the asthma in our family. (If you're interested in this topic, this is a great book about it - "ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus: Eradicate Asthma - Now!" by F. Batmanghelidj and also "You're Body's Many Cries for Water".)
The problem with all this water drinking is that we never know exactly which cup is ours, and we always get a new one. We don't have a dishwasher, so the cups add up fast and whoever is washing dishes notices.
The solution was to have an original cup for each person. We keep them on the counter all day and wash them at dinner time. It's worked great these past two weeks with some great side benefits - my two year old got an ABC cup and he likes to call it his ABCDEFG cup. My 11 year old is finally drinking most of the water he needs, and everyone is drinking more.
We had adopted this practice with our "excursion" water bottles a few years ago - and we've loved that too. It's always easy to tell who's water bottle is whose (they used to all match, but be different colors, but we've lost a few).
This is a super idea. I am going to try this, not only will it help us to drink water, it will cut down on the piling up of dishes. Thanks for all your great ideas!
I agree this is a great idea. we have a similar system at our house. my husband drinks out of the large, plastic tumblers (biggest cups in the house), and I usually drink out of our striped juice glasses. Only problem is that at the end of the day while my lone juice glass sits on the counter, so do about 5 large plastic cups. How did you get your family into the routine of reusing just their one glass instead of getting new ones for refills?
Another thought: have you considered doing a Q&A blog entry, compiling several organization questions you've been asked and your answers to them? I'd love to read that!
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