Saturday, March 14, 2009

Everything We Learn Is Helpful

Maybe this doesn't seem like it applies to organizing, but it really does. I just finished building my first ever website. (You can visit it at I've probably spent 50 hours building it and 12 of those were today (a beautiful, sunny, spring day). It was hard, and it took SO much time. And there were lots of times when I just didn't know if I could really do this. But I WANTED to do it and I wanted to be able to figure it out. And somehow I did it (with some help and hints from my mentors).

I am so grateful to have all this new knowledge stuck in my head. And I'm so grateful for the all the stuff I've stuck in my head over my lifetime. All of it helps me figure out how to do things when I'm presented with new opportunities and challenges.

And so, to organizing. Start. Try. Tackle. Do. And as you work through it, you'll figure out how to do it and what works for you. And when you have figured it out, you'll be that much more ready to tackle your next adventure!

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