All of us are at different stages of our lives and all of us need input from different people at different times, but here are a few places you can look for help to get organized!
YOU - Sometimes, it just has to be you. You have to try on the clothes. You have to figure out where to put something. You have to go through the stack of papers. If it needs to be you, do it.
KIDS - Kids can be great organizers. It can be tedious at first, but if you take the time to teach and train them, they can do it - at almost every age. My kids have done almost everything I've ever had to do with me. I try to look for something that will hold their attention, help me, and be something they like to do. My 11 year old is great at organizing pictures on the computer - downloading them, rotating them and putting them in folders. He also likes to put CD's on the computer, organize our tapes and CD's, and organize the tupperware cupboard. My 9 year old is great at organizing food storage, books, games, her room, clothes, etc. (She really likes to organize). My 5 year old can organize his clothes drawers and our shoe box. My two year old is great at organizing the shelves in the refrigerator.
PEOPLE WHO HAVE AN INTEREST IN WHAT YOU'RE ORGANIZING - if you are organizing something that isn't really yours (your kids moved out and left some of their stuff, your parents house, something at work, etc.), invite the people who have an interest in it to help you out or give you input. I don't believe in throwing out stuff that might have meaning to someone, so ask and have them help.
SIBLINGS - I love to help my siblings organize and I love it when they let me help. You can always ask. You might not have someone like me, but maybe you do.
PARENTS - When my mom visits me, she likes to clean. When I visit her, I like to organize. It works out nicely and helps both of us get something done. If you're working on organizing and someone (who wouldn't mind) comes to visit, let them help you. Put them to work.
HIRE SOMEONE - If you want to get organized and can't do it for what ever reason, hire someong to help you get it done.
There are several bonuses to letting people help you organize. Everyone that helps you organize will also be able to help you keep it that way. They will know where things go, they will know the process of getting them there, and they will know how to fix it if it doesn't stay that way.
What are some great read aloud books for kids?
15 years ago
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