Monday, November 24, 2008

Why organize?

One day my sister and I were picking raspberries. I had a specially cut milk jug tied around me and she carried a bowl. We picked and talked and picked and talked. And when we were all done, I happened to glance in her bowl. She had half the amount of raspberries I had! I felt kind of guility because we had been picking raspberries exactly the same amount of time. It bothered me enough that I kept thinking about it. Finally, I realized that I had twice the amount of raspberries because I had had two hands to pick with! She had to hold her bowl with one hand, and I was free to pick with two. That's what organizing does for you - it gives you an extra hand to do the things you want to do! It gives you TIME, POWER, and ABILITY.


If you are organized, other people can help you stay that way. If you aren't, you stay on a slippery down hill slope. For example, have you ever picked your kids up from someone's house and tried to help clean up the mess? If the person was fairly organized, you knew where to put the toys and could help leave the house at least a little bit cleaner. If the person wasn't very organized, you soon realized the best help would be to take your kids and leave. In this case, the organized person was left with a cleaner house, and the unorganzied person was left with more mess!

If you are organized, you spend a lot less time looking for stuff.

If you are organized, you spend a lot less time shuffling stuff.

If you are organized, you spend less time driving to the store for whatever you can't find or forgot.

Organization gives you an understanding of where you're at - financially, preparedness, even toys.

Being organized saves money (on gas, repeat buys, and by buying things on sale).

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