I joined the group "Free"Cycle (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SaltLakefreecycle/) this week. FreeCycle is a way to recycle, but everything is free. You can offer things you want to give away and request things you would like to get. I had 11 rolls of film for my 35 mm camera that was getting older by the minute and not getting used. I offered them on FreeCycle. Within one day, I had 10 requests for my film. (I had already tried to sell it on KSL.com. I had one person interested, but she didn't want it when she found out how old it was.)
I decided to give it to a lady who emailed that she understood the risk of using old film. She wanted it, but couldn't come get it when her husband said he didn't want her going to a strangers house. Then I offered it to a lady who has 3 kids going to 3 different camps this year and she wants them all to take a camera. She came within 12 hours of me choosing her and my film is gone!
It was a little bit of a hassle to give my film away, but I feel better about it than if I had thrown it out, and I also don't have it sitting around my house getting older.
I also tried to get something on FreeCycle. I wanted legos. I posted it, but no one has contacted me yet, so maybe it's harder to find stuff you want. I'll have to wait and see.
What are some great read aloud books for kids?
15 years ago